Wednesday, December 13, 2006


I heard a guy speak recently about why it is that parts of the world look at Americans with disgust. I had already understood their perspective, that isn't what was disturbingly captivating about the teaching. It was the shear statistics that were used to show the example of exactly how wealthy we are in the US. It was like a train wreck, I couldn't stop listening or thinking about it. I can't remember all of them. One of them stuck in my mind. We spent in America on the Friday after Thanksgiving over 9 billion dollars on gifts/retail sales. That is about the estimated amount of money it would take to establish plans, supplies, and technology for clean water for every community of people on the planet. Jesus says in Mat 25 that He is somehow there when we give people something to eat, drink, clothes to wear. I wonder how Jesus feels about how we in America have the money and resources and technology to help the planet get clean water to drink from without the threat of disease, and we are busy shopping and voting against gay marriage. Oh, don't forget we must continue fight against the war on Christmas. You can listen to the guy that did the teaching if you like. They guy's name is Rob Bell, he is the teaching pastor at Mars Hill Bible Church in Grand Rapids Michigan. Hear is the link, just go to the listen tab, and listen to the most recent teaching.

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